Business Plan

MOSL’s 2021-24 Business Plan

Our approach to business planning

In our 2020/21 Business Plan we made a commitment to extend our planning horizon to a three-year period, recognising that many of the initiatives we are engaged in will be delivered over multiple years. With almost four years’ experience in the non-household market, feedback from members has been that they would value greater visibility of our forward plans and cost trajectory. This is the first of what will be a rolling three-year business plan, updated each year, and it aims to clearly set out our priorities for the next three years and provide greater clarity on our deliverables and their associated costs.

We have built our plan in two parts, both of which continue to focus on making it ‘easier to do business’ in the market:

Core service delivery – building on progress from 2020/21 and driving further efficiency

During 2019/20, we developed the Market Services Framework which set out our revised core services as well as related key performance indicators (KPI’s) which were published for the first time in our 2019/20 Annual Report.

During 2020/21 we started reporting on our performance against these KPI’s each quarter with strong and consistent performance for the year to date, against both our service delivery and the progress of our 2020/21 business plan commitments. At the same time, we have developed the capacity and capability of our team allowing us to respond quickly to additional challenges in the market presented by COVID-19. Our core services are being delivered at a cost below our original budget, allowing us to reinvest some of these savings into accelerating work on our Bilateral Transactions Programme.

Our plan for 2021/22 builds on this momentum – with a continued focus on reliable, consistent and high-quality service delivery. Our costs for core service delivery are tracked separately from our improvement programmes, enabling us to focus on reducing the cost of our like-for-like services.

These costs have been subject to a series of deep dive reviews both with the senior leadership team, MOSL’s Board and the industry Panel. Our proposed budget shows a reduction in core costs from the budgeted level in 2020/21 – reflecting efficiencies delivered in 2020/21 and further efficiencies through 2021/22.

In building our plan we have considered the scope of the services we provide in the context of trading party needs and priorities. Our plan includes additional resource to improve our core cybersecurity capabilities as part of a wider improvement plan in this area. It also includes additional cost to increase the range of support services to market groups such as the Retailer Wholesaler Group (RWG), reflecting our role in facilitating wider market improvement and collaboration.

Longer term improvement programmes – delivering on our strategic priorities

During 2020, MOSL published its strategic architecture, including our new purpose and vision statements and our four strategic priorities, setting out the role we can play in facilitating a successful market for our members and their customers.

Service Excellence – Simple and effective services that are easy to access
Data Insight – Evidence based decisions, driving value for customers
Market Improvement – A successful market that is continually improving
Organisational Capability – A high performing team set up to deliver change

This approach was developed through workshops with colleagues, as well as conversations and discussions with our stakeholders, to document the corporate strategy landscape, considering the internal and external factors that may impact on the delivery of our three-year strategy.

In building our plan, we have developed a range of improvement programmes that will enable us to deliver on our strategic priorities throughout the duration of the three-year plan.

Our plan is the blueprint to deliver on these priorities, for the benefit of customers and for the market as a whole. It complements the priorities of the Panel, recognising that the Panel workstreams will largely be delivered by MOSL, and also encompasses the Market Performance Operating Plan (MPOP). We will continue to drive market improvements, including to data quality and performance, building on the work completed to date through the MPOP, with the MPOP fully aligned to, and an integral part of the ongoing plan.

Development and evolution of the plan

The final version of this business plan will be the result of an extensive consultation exercise with our members and stakeholders. As a result of the consultation feedback from our 2020/21 Business Plan, we adjusted the final version, which was presented to members for voting, with key changes including a reduction in the budget and a more risk-based targeted market audit. We actively listened and took on board feedback and will continue this approach for our three-year plan.

The plan will continue to evolve, as internal and external circumstances change, and in line with the priorities of our members.

Year one of the plan (2021/22) includes our proposed budget for costs and Market Operator (MO) charges, together with our service delivery plan (core services and improvement programmes). This part of our business plan will be subject to member approval at the General Meeting on 25 February 2021.

For years two and three (2022/23 and2023/24), we have outlined our proposed longer-term improvement programme, including scope of work, benefits and cost. This provides a clear line of sight (and cost trajectory) on our longer term integrated programme, whilst retaining flexibility to respond to changing priorities and the economic climate as our three-year plan rolls forward each year. The year two and three element of our plan is indicative – whilst we will seek feedback from our members on the phasing of our longer-term plans, including the prioritisation of the improvement programmes, we will not be seeking formal approval for activities outlined in years two and three at the General Meeting.

Measuring success

We have made a number of changes to how we report progress against the delivery of our business plan. We have increased the level of information we provide, the frequency, and the transparency, with an assessment of progress, risks and mitigation. 

Our quarterly reporting covers two areas: 

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reporting - tracking performance in delivery of our core services – using an established set of KPI’s which were first published in our 2019/20 Annual Report
Business plan commitments – setting out progress made, an assessment of whether we are on track, risks to delivery and how we are mitigating these risks. 

We will continue to use this reporting framework to evidence delivery of our three-year business plan.  

Benefits from our plan – core services 

The delivery of our core services enables the continued functioning of the market, meeting our Code obligations but also the wider core expectations from our members.  

We will continue to track performance of these core services using our KPI's and report against these on a quarterly basis. We will also evolve our KPI’s over time to ensure that they continue to measure the quality of our core services and align to member expectations.  We will also seek feedback directly from members through our annual Trading Party Survey.

Benefits from our plan – improvement programmes 

Our plan includes improvement programmes to drive longer term advancement of the market and benefits for our members. We will provide an update each quarter on progress made in each of these improvement programmes incorporating both the delivery of key milestones and related benefits.

The three-year duration of this plan and phasing of some of the programmes into years two and three, will mean that some benefits will take longer to materialise than others. Where a benefit delivery for a programme is phased beyond year one of the plan, we will continue to track and report on milestone delivery in order to demonstrate progress or highlight specific risks or issues. 

We will apply the following benefit framework to each benefit in order to validate its outcome and track delivery: 

MOSL Benefit Validation Framework

What is the benefit? 
Observable outcomes 
What are the verifiable differences that will be noticeable pre and post implementation? 
Where will this benefit arise? Is the accountability and responsibility for delivery and change clear and agreed? 
How and when will the achievement of the benefit be measured? What KPI's can be used to track progress/delivery? 
Sign-off criteria 
Has a clear and measurable sign-off criterion been agreed?  

Further detail on how we have applied this framework will be provided in our quarterly reporting.

Consultation form

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